Opening Hours Пн-Пт - c 9.00 до 18.00
Телефон +7 499 641-51-01

Design Department

Design department is an integral part of the company; it provides the full range of design works:
- components for devices of both special and civil application;
- different types of highly-technological molding, stamping and other special tooling;

The works are carried out starting with preliminary design up to the release of выпуском готовой design-engineering and supporting documentation.

The core of the design department consists of highly-qualified design-engineers with great experience in highly-technological areas of machine-engineering and instrument-engineering.

Design department is equipped with high-power IT-equipment and most recent software.

CAD/CAM technologies provide our specialists with a full range of equipment necessary for design, engineering analysis, technical drawing, development and adjusting of control software for CNC machines.

During item’s development we carry out:

  • 3D modeling and visualization;
  • necessary strength and thermodynamic calculation;
  • development of full package of design documentation;

Department’s work is carried out fully in accordance with current technical regulations: Unified System for Design Documentation and Unified System for Technological Documentation.